
A Revolutionary Messaging
and Payment Platform

Powered by AI and user-intent blockchain technology


Introducing Facil

FacilPay is a message-centric payment platform built on user-intent blockchain technology. It offers secure peer-to-peer messaging and global cryptocurrency payments at your fingertips. Sending and receiving funds worldwide to friends, contacts, or merchants, whether crypto or fiat, is now as easy as sending or receiving a text on your FacilPay app.

Your unified facil messaging
to the future of payments

Crypto-Enabled and Fiat Ready

phoneSecured Mobile Wallet

phoneMulti-Chain Network

phonePeer-to-Peer Payments

phoneFlexible Crypto Transactions

phoneCrypto Debit & Prepaid Cards

phoneFacil Swap & Facil Bridge

phoneWeb 3.0 DeFi Solutions

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Facil - Bridging the Gap Between Traditional and DeFi Banking

We provide every user with a Web3 wallet, creating a user-friendly, accessible, and secure ecosystem tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual.

phoneFacilitating Blockchain Banking

phoneFiat Transfer Retail Services

phoneMoney Transfer API

phoneCost-effectiveness & Fast Network

phoneGlobal Compliance & Operations

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Facil, Simple, and Secure Intuitive Messaging Meets Web3

Facilpay app move beyond the limitation of Web2 and take advantage of all Web3 has to offer yet, enjoy the Speed, Reliability, and Security.

phoneSecured Peer-to-Peer Messaging

phoneA.I. Instant Message & Voice Translation

phoneNFT Emoticons & Stickers

phoneGroup Chat and Group Calls

phoneFile transfers, Calls, and HD Video conferences

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Message-centric Payment Platform
Governed by User-intent Web3 Technology

App Screenshots

Facil App delivered blazing fast performance, striking word solution

AI Chatbot Integration for Facil App: Enhancing User Experience with Advanced Conversational Technology

Got Questions?

Get the answers to your questions about FacilPay.

n simple terms, FacilPay is a platform that allows you to transfer money across the world from one form to another in a process that's as easy as sending a chat on your phone. You create an account, log in, click on the individual you want to pay, type your payment instructions, and FacilPay does the rest. Sending $100 from your bedroom in Mexico City to your Uncle Timothy in Hong Kong can be as simple as typing the following message on the app “Send $100 worth of Ethereum to Uncle Timothy”. The platform does the rest of the work and quickly presents you with the best option with which to accomplish your intention. There's also some cutting-edge AI features that will help you carry out this task. Oh. Before, during or after payment, you can use the FacilPay app to communicate and exchange files with friends and family.

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