Beyond the

Messaging Market: Capturing the Trillion-Dollar Crypto & Payment Industry


$10 Billion

Global Messaging Market Volume

$1 Billion

Global Payment Market Volume


Cryptocurrency Market Cap

$3 Billion

Global Mobile Messaging Users

Simplifying Blockchain for Everyday Users


Web3 platforms claim to be user-friendly, but are overwhelmingly complicated for traditional Web2 users.

phone1. Simplicity Redefined:

Facil Pay reimagines the Web3 experience with simplicity at its core, making it as user-friendly as prominent Web2 platforms.


The advanced complexity presents a barrier to widespread adoption, especially among users who may not be tech savvy.

phone2. Universal Usability:

Designed with clarity and ease of use, our solution is so straight forward that even our grandparents can navigate blockchain technology effortlessly.

Limited Access for the Unbanked:

A substantial portion of the population remains excluded from modern financial services, highlighting the urgent need for inclusive financial technology solutions.

phone3. DeFi Accessibility for the Unbanked:

Our financial services do not require traditional banking infrastructure, extending financial inclusion to the unbanked population.

Experience Global Freedom: Pay and Get Paid with Facil, Anywhere in the World

OUR MISSION: Simplifying Blockchain for Everyday Users

Revolutionizing Web3 Chat, Payment, and DeFi Banking
In the complex decentralized finance (DeFi) world, our mission stands clear: to revolutionize how individuals and businesses interact with DeFi platforms easily. We aim to demystify DeFi transactions, making them as straightforward and user-friendly. Our focus is on creating a seamless, intuitive experience that brings the power of DeFi to your fingertips, breaking down barriers and fostering accessibility for all.

We are dedicated to forging connections encompassing lives, businesses, and aspirations, unifying an entire world, especially in developing countries. Our vision is anchored in the belief that peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplaces represent the future of payment solutions in emerging markets. Our goal is to become a fundamental component of the digital lifestyle for Latin American consumers, seamlessly integrating into their everyday digital interactions in one platform.

Our Roadmap

  • • Team formation
  • • Onboarding Devs
  • • Legal Consultation
  • • Tokenomics Prepared
  • • Advisor meetings
  • • Deploying Technology Stack
  • • Multi-chain Implementation
  • • UI/UX Design – Website
  • • Social Media & Community
  • • Whitepaper v1.8
  • • Pitch-deck & One pager
  • • Moon-Sheet
  • • PR Prepared
  • • Pitch Deck Release

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Simplifying payments with blockchain technology and AI-enhanced user intent messaging


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